
Support Pam

Financing even a single season requires significant funding and Pam relies on sponsorship and support to be able to compete at the highest level on a world stage. Through her agents (see the Contact page), Pam is keen to explore new sponsorship opportunities.

Individual support is a hugely important contribution to Pam's seasonal expenses. Pam holds fund raising events where you can meet her - news of such events will be posted only on this website - so sign-up for Pam's news if you want to hear more!

Pam has also set up a Donate page where you can get great givebacks whilst supporting a future Olympic athlete! Please visit her donate page and consider a donation;

Visit Pam's Donate page

Current Sponsors/Supporters:

Pam is hugely grateful to all her sponsors and supporters (not forgetting her suppliers too!) - she couldn't do it without you; thank you so much :)

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Ellis Brigham
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Head Ski
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Peak Performance
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Unify Brand Partnerships
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Rocktape UK
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Dragon Alliance Eyewear
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