London’s a Riot!

Being at home so long makes me ancy… I miss the snow, I miss having skis on my feet and I miss being in the mountains! So I headed to London for the week to visit my team mates and mix things up a bit. A few of the girls and I attempted a treasure hunt in the city… I say attempted because we didn’t get that far, but we did get a few of the markers done…

1. Sorrel found a pussy cat…

2. Strongman Faye rolling the eye…

3. doing the splits on the bridge like its no big thing…

4. Get a picture with a Gorilla… obviously

5. JUMP!!! In front of big ben at exactly 3pm… (yeh we’r a lil late)

The beautiful south bank…

I LOVE being a tourist…

Chillin at Chemmy’s in Hampton Court…

it was 30 degrees!!!

So we had a BBQ and some croquet…

with water sports in the back ‘garden’…

and a Slip and Slide…

Finishing a hot week with a night out in Esher…

Sorrel teaching me how to strike a pose properly…

Saw this, a motto to live by…

and especially this…

Pam x