Does that make me a robot?

The last few days have been quite a whirlwind. Catching up with some of my ski girls before heading in for shoulder stabilisation surgery. Being a very good girl at a friends 21st, I drove home straight after dinner and caught a couple hours sleep before checking into the hospital for 6.30am.

The legendary Gordon Mackay did a stellar job. Being totally doped out my nut last night, I did manage to remember him coming up to explain a few things. Usually you need to go in the front and back to get a good look at the joint… well i had such a loose shoulder that he was able to see all the way through from the front. Bit of a shocker. ANYWAY Im home now, already recovering with my new bionic arm and no longer wearing my rather fetching open backed gown and LARGE hospital pants. Happy Days!

Ski girl reunion…

Catching up with Norton…

and my girl Eilidh…

And cornering the hostess…

Thankfully there was no mistaking which arm it was…

But what is with the open gown and high waisted pants…

Waking up after the anaesthetic trip…

Checking out the work…

A little more sober today, on my way home…

Ill be back to this in no time…

Pam x