Taking some time

Italy was awesome.  I had so many coffee’s that I got the shakes for 2 days after i left… the caffeine withdrawal was killer!

I came home unexpectedly last week. It was unfortunate circumstances, but it is nice to be home. Spending some time with the fam has been pretty sweet and my knee and shin are loving me for the rest. AND for anyone who is going to the cinema soon, go see the fighter! Big call but i think its one of my favourites!!! Yep i said that.

So Yahhhhh I qualified for World Champs! But Damnnnnn im not going. So instead im heading out next week to a little place called Aspen, where the beer flows like wine. After this nice long break, im hoping i can do some real damage… in the race ofcourse!

Pam x

I stole these ones… thanks Gerwig

just keep smiling…

Taking a day to rest in Cortina, Vic and I took in some sights. She was the perfect model…

Rockin out…

God save the queen… or something like that


Oh yeh just so hot right now…

The Dh track from our hotel…

These mountains are sick…

Chillin like villains…

Cortina is awesome…

and so is this lil lady…